Making enchiladas at home is actually quite easy, and it’s simple to customize the dish to your family’s taste. There are just a few key components to keep in mind!
The Tortillas
The traditional type of tortilla used is corn tortillas. Corn was a staple crop in ancient Mexico and it’s thought that the practice of rolling food in corn tortillas dates back to Aztec times. Though the recipe for enchiladas has evolved over the years, corn tortillas are still used to make them! Nowadays, however, you’ll also see a lot of restaurants and recipes call for flour tortillas, which is also a delicious way to prepare enchiladas. The taste of the two different types of tortillas is slightly different, so go with your personal preference when selecting your ingredients at the grocery store.
The Sauce
Red enchilada sauce made from chili peppers is the typical sauce you’ll see in enchiladas, but you can try mole sauce, tomato sauce or even a salsa verde sauce to switch things up. In most enchilada recipes, the tortillas get dipped or spread with a bit of sauce, filled and are then topped with even more sauce.
The Filling
You can go wild with the combinations of fillings in enchiladas. Most recipes call for beef or chicken and can be mixed with cheese and vegetables like corn and black beans. You can opt to make your enchiladas vegetarian, if you choose, and leave out the meat filling.
The Toppings
Almost all enchiladas get topped with cheese and sauce. You can serve them this way, or add even more toppings after the dish comes out of the oven. Try sour cream, cilantro, avocado, black olives and/or more traditional Mexican toppings.
Ready to put all of the pieces together? Read on to learn how to make the easiest enchiladas, ever.