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The Doughboy’s Favorite Way to Go Big: Giant Cinnamon Roll

Updated November 20, 2019
Two young girls and cinnamon rolls with the Pillsbury Doughboy
Meet the cinnamon roll that (literally) rises above all the rest.

The Doughboy has a confession to make. You see, at 8 ¾ inches tall, for years he thought ALL cinnamon rolls were giant cinnamon rolls. So, when he realized that people could pick them up in one hand, he knew he had to find a way for them to experience his favorite Christmastime pastries in the same way he does. That’s why the Doughboy did what he does best and created a big-as-your-head version of the ooey-gooey treat, so you can enjoy the magic, too! Start things off with one can of scrumptious cinnamon rolls and simply follow the easy recipe steps to assemble it into one gigantic creation—no extra ingredients necessary!

Two young girls eating a giant cinnamon roll

Big enough to share and delicious enough that you might not want to, this upgrade to our classic cinnamon rolls is the perfect way to go big for the last Saturday breakfast before Christmas—but the Doughboy didn’t stop there! In addition to the original creation that he dreamed up, he’s serving four more ways to enjoy this larger-than-life take on the chilly-morning favorite.

Expert Tip
Expert Tip
For the ultimate wow factor, serve these giant cinnamon rolls in one piece. Cut into wedges to serve or allow guests to pull apart strips of dough straight from the roll.

The Original Giant Cinnamon Roll

The Original Giant Cinnamon Roll

You’ve heard the story: Now it’s time to taste it for yourself! With just four simple recipe steps, this one-ingredient cinnamon roll transformation is easy for the kids to help assemble. Watch their eyes light up as they see their giant kitchen creation come to life in the oven.

Start with cinnamon rolls!
Start with cinnamon rolls!
Our beloved Pillsbury™ Grands!™ cinnamon rolls are delicious all on their own, but why stop there when you can go big? (Like, as-big-as-your-head big.) Stock up on your favorite varieties to make your own larger-than-life sweet creations this holiday season.