Family game nights can become the stuff of legends, and is there any better time of year than Christmas to do it? School’s out, work has slowed down, and it seems like everyone knows it’s time to take a breath, relax, and focus on the things that really matter. The best way to make memories together at Christmas is with quality time, and a fun-packed family game night is one of the most fun ways to do that.
Best Games for Your Family Game Night
In need of a little game night inspiration? Looking for something new to add to the family board game shelf? You’re in luck! We did our research, and here are the 20 best-selling family board games on Amazon right now. You probably remember playing some of these with your family when you were a kid!
20. Blokus
19. Catan
18. Sequence
17. Pictionary
16. Clue
15. Battleship with Planes
14. Hungry Hungry Hippos
13. Monopoly: Cheaters Edition
12. Connect 4 Shots
11. Trouble
10. Candy Land The World of Sweets
9. The Sneaky, Sneaky Squirrel Game
8. Monopoly: Fortnite Edition
7. Sorry!
6. Let’s Go Fishin’
5. Quick Cups
4. Scrabble
3. Codenames
2. 5 Second Rule Junior
1. Connect 4
9 Recipes to Complete Your Family Game Night
Now that you have your games picked out, fuel that family fun with shareable, kid-friendly recipes like Christmas tree pizzas and smiling snowman cookies. These recipes are so easy, you won’t have to pause your game to enjoy them.